Sunday, February 10, 2008

Cafe New Orleans Roof Blows Loose

Fredericksburg, Virginia Police and Fire response to Cafe New Orleans roof damage

Fire truck and police cars block William as the roof of the Cafe New Orleans blows loose in high winds, sending bricks falling to the sidewalk.

Roof damage to Cafe New Orleans in Fredericksburg, VirginiaEDIT: Here is a supplemental shot, taken with a better camera, of the roof blowing in a gust of wind. You can see a bit of debris blowing loose, and the damage to the brickwork.

By the time we walked off, the police had taped off the entire block of William, no doubt in anticipation of part of the roof blowing loose entirely and flying down the street. We've not yet heard if anything more happened. Please leave a comment if you have any further information.

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